First Day Off To College + Huge Surprise
Dallas Cowboys football team spent their summers training here...Issue #64
ifOnlyi… knew, Tom Landry's Cowboys held summer camp in Thousand Oaks at California Lutheran College (Cal Lu) from 1963-1989. I would’ve gone much sooner.
Mom told me to pack up all my belongings I wanted to take to Cal Lu College. “Load everything inside the Cadillac and leave what you didn’t need in your room,” she said.
I loaded up the car. The Trunk was primarily full of Tennis gear and zero School books. Of course, I hadn’t been given those yet. As a Freshman, I needed to arrive at school two days earlier than others for School Orientation. They took us around campus and educated us on the places where we would have lectures and anywhere else we might need to be. We also needed to know where the cafeteria was.
I was going to be one of the many students living inside the dorms—for me, the Freshman dorms—which were definitely not the cream of the crop accommodation. Next, I would meet my roommate, the funniest student from Japan.
He arrived very late and drove up in an old Lincoln Continental with his music blazing. He opened the Trunk and pulled out a small refrigerator and a suitcase of clothes. Oh, let’s not forget the case of beer he had, too. I asked him, “Why such a Big Car?” He replied, “I’m going to live largely; I’m in AMERICA, after all.” Great Attitude. He Reminded me of the DUDE in THE BIG LEBOWSKI -movie.
I was thrilled that Mom was driving me there; she felt honored to be on the school Board of Regents. I used to joke that I was her very first recruit, as she had to bring in students. Mom received the invitation from one of the founders of California Lutheran School, Carl, who has known her since they were four years old and met at Sunday school in Hollywood, California. They remained close friends throughout their lives, and Carl also sat on our family’s Board of Directors.
I had visited the school once for an hour, during which the President gave me a tour alongside my mom. At the same time, he was seeking her support for cash donations.
They were building a Dream; ‘A fully fledged University’ was their Dream. And their Dream eventually did come to fruition, out with College in with the word UNIVERSITY. Mom was extremely generous in helping people and Charities, Our Church, and Causes; people could always count on her.
We pulled out of the driveway and began our two-hour, 30-minute drive. We went down Hawthorne Boulevard and made a right turn on 190th Street. ( This is the same Street where I crashed my parents’’ car in the rain.) We were only 15 minutes from home when she pulled into a Car dealership and said she needed to go to the restroom. Okay.
As she got out, she said, “Why don’t you go look at cars and pick out one you think I would like.” It wasn’t long before I found a beautiful White 2 door Monte Carlo with an electric sunroof and a slapstick automatic.
She came back and seemed excited at my choice. “WOW, I love it, Ollie!” she said as she checked it out.
She said, "Hold on. Let me see if they will do a trade on my Caddie." Mom returned, put her hand out, told me to open my palm, dropped the keys into my palm, and said, “Unload the car and put everything in the new car.” Wow, “So you sold your car, Mom.” “No, Ollie,” she replied, “I bought you the car. It’s yours. Congratulations!”
Mom, are you serious? You're keeping the Caddie, and I'm keeping the Monte? “Yes, Ollie, drive safely. You have to check in soon.” I still had over a 2-hour drive, but my Gosh, it was mine. I was totally shocked and excited at the same time.
I was so fired up; new school, people, life, hope, and opportunities were opening up for me. All I needed to do was get my pal’s company to install a new sound system. I had a habit with all cars in my life to do just that: upgrade my music system.
I took care of this car like the ones owned by my Parents. My job was to wash and detail it daily. Being spotless was a must. I did precisely that daily, just in case I got a surprise visit from Mom and Dad.
I was a terrible student, I attribute that to my new found freedom, all I did daily was play tennis and practice team tennis as one of the players. The other was dating, parting, driving to Malibu mountains, getting high with my friend Ken, oh and learn to play the xylophone. I took a class just so I could learn my favorite instrument.
As my father played 13 instruments, had his own 13 piece Jazz band and a 52 piece Orchestra. His Passion he was most noted for was Clarinet talent.
I didn’t give much if any time to playing or studying. Although I did go to classes and had a Tudor to help with my attention issues. And what did I do, talk to her about her life as I was infatuated.
I planned to keep my white Monte Carlo looking new for all the years I was in College. I really, really LOVED THIS GIFT GIVEN TO ME BY MOM. I felt it made up in a small way for the shitty things I went through at times as a kid.
The only thing I regret is I should’ve got a personalized license plate with one word…………………………………………………… IDIOT
I left the dealership all packed up in my brand new car, driving to College. What I didn’t know was that within 2500 miles of driving, I would wreck the car in a significant crash, and it would be in the repair shop for 16 months for repairs.
This would be my second major accident and DUI, but not my last, sadly.
This year was to be my first and only year at Cal Lu! My parents decided to pull me out at the year's end; they were fed up with my behavior, that much is certain.
#…ifOnlyi… short stories are published chronologically and follow my life growing up in California from 4 years old. If you’ve just found me, the stories will come together when you start reading from...Issue #1